Saturday 7 May 2011

Cupcake experiments

Well cupcake experiment #2 seems to have gone well... though it will have to be tested by the girls tomorrow. The Mr is definately liking my experiments.
#1 was a complete and utter mess!!! It was Mount Cupcake in our oven last night. A tasty mess though. My knight in skateboard armour saved the day as I find messes like that rather over whelming and he turned it into functional food :)
Tomorrow I shall omit the water from the mixture (too fluffy) and attempt to turn them into the original cupcake idea which was made from a packet mixture and some imagination, part mine, part someone on the net.Hopefully with a little magic and some not so burnt finger tips (the joys of touching the slow cooker in the wrong place) myself and Miss About To Turn 5 will make wonderful replicas.
If successful I will post the recipe.
Wish us luck!


  1. The cupcakes you made for my afternoon tea were truly delicious! Do the girls deal with food colouring ok?

  2. they're not ment to, they (mainly Miss 7 as her diet is the most strict) get treated to things fairly often. i try really hard to keep it to the lists and usually ask K if they're ok with something as a treat
    as we only see them once a week and try super hard to keep it all natural and low sugar, even make everything with sunflower oil where possible for Miss 7 even though i have a bad reaction to it... which is probably a good thing as its usually baked goods lol

  3. Great post Mya. If you send me your gmail address I'll send you an invite to my blog too.

  4. You've already done that Miriam :)
